Verner Hastrup Petersen, Civilingeniør, HD |
Internationale projekter2004 - 2007: Interreg IIIA: Lakes-Jewels of the Landscape.
Storstrøms Amt, Kreis Ostholstein, Kreis Lubeck 2004 - 2007: Interreg IIIA: Western
Baltic and Belt Sea Marine Waters. Sceario models
and operational modelling service. Fyns Amt,
Storstrøms Amt, Sønderjyllands Amt og Landesamt für
Natur- und Ümwelt des Landes Schleswig -
Holstein 2004 DANCEE: Implementation of the Water
Framework Directive in Poland. Support to the
Regional Water Management Board in Szczecin.
(korttidsekspert for NIRAS) 2002 EU Life Nature:
Improving status of coastal lagoon Tryggelev Nor
(IMAGE). Fyns Amt 2000-2002 DANCEE: Registration of Polluted Sites in Malopolskie Region(ROPSIM), Poland. Fyns Amt og Malopolskie Region (team leader) 1998-2000 DANCEE/Interreg/PHare: Baltic Eutrophication Regional Network(BERNET), medlem af arbejdsgruppen Water Quality Planning 1998-1999 DANCEE: Water Management Planning in Gauja National Park, Latvia. Holsteinsborg Consult (korttidsekspert) 1996-1998 EU Life Env.: Economic Efficiency Control of Water Protection Action in the EC. Fyns Amt og F & N Umweltconsult, Hannover (projektansvarlig for Fyns Amt) 1995-1998 Samarbejde omkring Geografiske Informationssystemer (GIS). Fyns Amt og Krakow Amt (projektansvarlig for Fyns Amt)